WA State Music Census

For the first time ever, Washington’s music economy is being comprehensively analyzed to measure its economic, employment, and demographic scope. Despite the cultural and economic significance of music, its true value has remained invisible to policymakers and investors—until now. Through the combined efforts of the Washington Nightlife & Music Association (WANMA), the Washington Department of Commerce, the City of Seattle Office of Economic Development, and King County Creative, this groundbreaking census will provide the data needed to advocate for stronger support of the music sector.


Why Your Participation Matters
We need YOUR voice to help paint an accurate picture of Washington’s creative economy. Whether you’re a musician, music educator, venue owner, or industry professional, your insights will play a vital role in shaping the future of music in Washington.


This brief and anonymous survey (less than 15 minutes) will collect critical information about income, employment, and demographics within the music sector. By completing it, you’ll help make the music industry more visible to policymakers, investors, and stakeholders. Before starting it will be helpful to have information from 2019 and 2023 ready, including details about your location, the number of shows you performed or presented, and the income generated from your performances or music-related business activities.

Who Should Participate in the Music Census?

If you earn any income from music-related work in Washington, you should take part. This includes:

  • Musicians and Artists: Composers, performers, and recording artists.
  • Music Educators: Music Schools, camps, and teachers of all age groups and music disciplines.
  • Live Music Hosts: Owners/operators of venues, bars, or restaurants that host live music.
  • Music Business Owners: Recording studios, record labels, agencies, music retailers, gear makers/repairers, etc.
  • Music Industry Professionals: Managers, agents, lawyers, marketers, or creative support professionals (video, photography, graphic design, etc.).


How to Participate:

First, complete the survey.

After submitting, please share the link across your social media channels and with your music-industry peers to ensure widespread participation.


Why the Washington State Music Census Is Important:

This census is a historic effort to quantify the value of Washington’s commercial music and live performance sectors. The insights gathered will:

  • Advocate for more funding and support for music professionals and businesses.
  • Provide policymakers with the data needed to invest in the music economy.
  • Help build a stronger, more sustainable creative sector in Washington.

Take the survey today and help shape the future of Washington’s music industry!